Happy First Anniversary to Baby Birds Farm and Cocina!

Just looked at the calendar and realized that it has been one year since the first post! Happy first blogo-versary to us!

Early Posts

I was just looking back at some of the old posts and photos. I think my photography has gotten a little better. In the beginning I mostly used my iPhone and Instagram filters. Some are really out of focus! Initially I thought I would be able to talk my husband into taking all the photos. Instead he opted to “teach me to fish” and taught me some of the basics of using our “big camera” and basic photo editing and processing.

I still love some of the earliest posts and recipes, like:

Tomato Time: Putting Up for Winter  putting up garden tomatoes

Family Traditions: Camping, Shooting Stars and PancakesJulia Pfeiffer

Stats: A Year in Review

I was also being a geek and looking at a year’s worth of statistics. I was curious about how people come to my site. Over the past year, my top three referral sources to date have been: 1. Search Engines (i.e., people looking for a specific topic); 2. Facebook; and 3. Pinterest.

The most commonly searched for topics have been “Belly Butter” or a variation, and some variation on “Healthy Banana Smash Cake.”

Top Posts

And, not surprisingly considering the search topics, my top 5 posts to date have been (in order of most viewed):

 belly butter recipe for natural stretch mark prevention
(Trivia: yes, that is my belly in the above photo, pregnant with Little Bird #1. I am currently about as big with Baby Bird #2.)

Social Media and More

The past year of blogging has been fun. It was something I had wanted to do for a long time. I’ve learned a lot. I pretty much get to write about whatever I feel like or have been up to. I started contributing to another website, as well, The Boob Group. And somehow the “brand” has expanded to several social media sites. Each one seems to have it’s own character and purpose and I often post things on each one that I don’t share here on the blog or on the other sites. So, please connect with me on FacebookTwitterPinterest, the Baby Bird’s Farm Google+ page, and my personal Google+ profile.

Who knows what the next year will bring?!

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