She’s Here! Welcome Baby Bird #2!!

Our new baby bird is here! We couldn’t be happier to have our little family of three grow to a sweet family of four!


Thanks to Hypnobirthing, labor was so fast and easy Baby Bird #2 was nearly born at home! I was able to literally hold her in and make it to the hospital. But after ten minutes there and two easy pushes she was in my arms! In any case, the rush to the hospital was frantic, and the “real camera”, along with toothbrushes and phone chargers, did not make it with us. Here are some more images we caught with my phone:


We left the hospital the next morning as it was a little crowded. But not before my sister brought Little Bird over to see her baby sister for the first time.


And to think, less than a week before, I was just doing my regular routine, including the Bar Method.


Now we are settling into our life at home. Little Bird helped Papa shell some Anasazi Beans from the garden while Baby and I supervised from the patio. My mom is here, spoiling us with cooking and doing the dishes and my other sister will fly in tonight.

Baby Bird #2 was born at 39 weeks and 6 days, on Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:59pm. She was 6 pounds, 14 ounces and 19 inches long. Perfectly healthy, nursing well and we are all in love!

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